
Royale Baby Apparels' Shop Policies

welcome  Welcome to Royale Baby Apparels, where Motherhood Made Easy All products/listings are sold and shipped locally for fast and easy delivery experience.
Payment  Wilson's List accepted payments policy gives buyers a convenient payment option. To help ensure a safe marketplace, as a seller we will only use Wilsons List approved payment methods when you the buyer paying for items in your cart from Royale Baby Apparels' Shop. Credit card or debit card processed through the Wilson's List Internet merchant account ensure your payment is safe and secure. Buyers who wishes to purchase from Royale Baby Apparels' Shop on Wilsons List must register an Electronic Payment Method (CebitCredit card), only the first time of using such Payment Method. Only the first four (4) and the last four (4) of your DebitCredit card information will be stored in Wilson's List database
Refunds and Exchanges  No refund Exchange Only!